
Winter 2025

Tuesday UPPER WEST SIDE Winter 2025 Indoor 5s

Tuesday @ Upper West Side PS 191

Team W D L GF GA GD Pts
Crooklyn FC 4 0 1 23 10 13 12
Kicking and Screaming 3 0 2 23 12 11 9
Pain in the Grass 2 0 3 18 14 4 6
UWS Free Agents Tuesday 2 1 2 17 20 -3 7
EnTech Ballers 0 0 5 4 38 -34 0
Ballon d'Oreos 3 1 1 19 10 9 10


Mattia Segaricci

UWS Free Agents Tuesday


Griffin Perry

Kicking and Screaming


Jack Bourassa

Pain in the Grass


Brian Schultheis

Kicking and Screaming


Keven Cassimire

Crooklyn FC


Leo Tuck

Crooklyn FC

Leagues in association with TapRm, a revolutionary online marketplace for beer, cider, hard seltzer and every drink in between.

Weather and League updates can be found on Facebook, Twitter or by emailing

To register for this League, please sign into your player profile by clicking HERE.


This League is being run on behalf of the Luis Rojas Foundation with proceeds going to the Foundation's work in after-schools programs.


This activity is not sponsored or endorsed by the New York City Department of Education or the City of New York.


The League starts on January 7th. For more details and to register, please sign into your player profile by clicking HERE.

07:10 PM- Crooklyn FC 4 vs 2 Kicking and Screaming
08:05 PM- UWS Free Agents Tuesday 3 vs 6 Pain in the Grass
07:00 PM- EnTech Ballers 0 vs 8 Pain in the Grass
07:50 PM- Crooklyn FC 4 vs 1 Ballon d'Oreos
08:40 PM- Kicking and Screaming 9 vs 2 UWS Free Agents Tuesday
07:00 PM- UWS Free Agents Tuesday 1 vs 1 Ballon d'Oreos
07:50 PM- Kicking and Screaming 3 vs 2 Pain in the Grass
08:40 PM- EnTech Ballers 1 vs 9 Crooklyn FC
07:00 PM- Kicking and Screaming 7 vs 1 EnTech Ballers
07:50 PM- Ballon d'Oreos 6 vs 1 Pain in the Grass
08:40 PM- UWS Free Agents Tuesday 5 vs 4 Crooklyn FC
06:45 PM- Kicking and Screaming 2 vs 3 Ballon d'Oreos
07:30 PM- EnTech Ballers 2 vs 8 Ballon d'Oreos
08:20 PM- EnTech Ballers 0 vs 6 UWS Free Agents Tuesday
09:00 PM- Crooklyn FC 2 vs 1 Pain in the Grass
07:00 PM- Crooklyn FC - vs - Ballon d'Oreos
07:50 PM- EnTech Ballers - vs - Pain in the Grass
08:40 PM- Kicking and Screaming - vs - UWS Free Agents Tuesday

School Closed for Winter Break.

07:00 PM- Kicking and Screaming - vs - Pain in the Grass
07:50 PM- UWS Free Agents Tuesday - vs - Ballon d'Oreos
08:40 PM- EnTech Ballers - vs - Crooklyn FC

Top Four progress into the Semi-Finals. 1st Seed has choice of SF kick-off.

07:00 PM- Semi-Final 1. - vs - Semi-Final 1.
07:50 PM- Semi-Final 2. - vs - Semi-Final 2.
08:40 PM- Championship Final: Winners of SF1 - vs - Winners of SF2